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        • Common Law

          Laws of the land

          As a Free Man/Woman, I am entitled to live freely in peace and harmony so long as I abide by the following Laws of the land, Common Law:

          I am Born Free

          Together, We Are Stronger

          What we do

          We do our best to provide useful information and products that help empower the free Man/Woman.

          These include information about your rights, how to conduct yourself in situations such as a Police stop, Harassment from Covid Nazis, Vaccine Nazis, Violations of your human rights, data protection etc etc etc.

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        • Common Law

          Laws of the land

          As a Free Man/Woman, I am entitled to live freely in peace and harmony so long as I abide by the following Laws of the land, Common Law:

          I am Born Free

          Together, We Are Stronger

          What we do

          We do our best to provide useful information and products that help empower the free Man/Woman.

          These include information about your rights, how to conduct yourself in situations such as a Police stop, Harassment from Covid Nazis, Vaccine Nazis, Violations of your human rights, data protection etc etc etc.

1 Pack of 4 – I Do Not Consent Cards

1 Pack of 4 - I Do Not Consent Cards

***  Pack of 4 – I Do Not Consent Cards ***


Words to use:

“No sir, this is a private event/home/place, you may not enter without a warrant.”
You Have to Say “No” Clearly

Even if a normal person would feel very intimidated and would not reasonably feel they could say “no.” If you do what a policeman tells you to do before you are arrested, you are “voluntarily” complying with their “requests.” Of course, refusing to comply might lead to a resisting arrest charge, so it is a very fine line to walk.

Until you say “No, I am not willing to allow you to do that,” you are simply cooperating as a peer with the law enforcement officer who is trying to make the world safer. When you say “no” to a request by a police officer, you are asserting your lawful rights as a private citizen


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***  Pack of 4 – I Do Not Consent Cards ***


Words to use:

“No sir, this is a private event/home/place, you may not enter without a warrant.”
You Have to Say “No” Clearly:

Even if a normal person would feel very intimidated and would not reasonably feel they could say “no.” If you do what a policeman tells you to do before you are arrested, you are “voluntarily” complying with their “requests.” Of course, refusing to comply might lead to a resisting arrest charge, so it is a very fine line to walk.

Until you say “No, I am not willing to allow you to do that,” you are simply cooperating as a peer with the law enforcement officer who is trying to make the world safer. When you say “no” to a request by a police officer, you are asserting your lawful rights as a private citizen

Stop and question: police powers

A police officer might stop you and ask:

  • what your name is
  • what you’re doing in the area
  • where you’re going

You don’t have to stop or answer any questions. If you don’t and there’s no other reason to suspect you, then this alone can’t be used as a reason to search or arrest you.

Stop and search: police powers

A police officer has powers to stop and search you if they have ‘reasonable grounds’ to suspect you’re carrying:

  • illegal drugs
  • a weapon
  • stolen property
  • something which could be used to commit a crime, such as a crowbar

You can only be stopped and searched without reasonable grounds if it has been approved by a senior police officer. This can happen if it is suspected that:

  • serious violence could take place
  • you’re carrying a weapon or have used one
  • you’re in a specific location or area

Before you’re searched

Before you’re searched the police officer must tell you:

  • their name and police station
  • what they expect to find, for example drugs
  • the reason they want to search you, for example if it looks like you’re hiding something
  • why they are legally allowed to search you
  • that you can have a record of the search and if this isn’t possible at the time, how you can get a copy


Stay safe out there!!!


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